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  °ü¸®ÀÚ   2011-08-16, Hit: 475
Á¦ ¸ñ   2011 Merck-Millipore ¼¼¹Ì³ª °øÁö
9¿ù 5ÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ 2½Ã ·¦¹ÌÆà ½Ã°£(ÀáÁ¤)¿¡ Merck-Millipore ¼¼¹Ì³ª¸¦ ÁøÇàÇÒ ¿¹Á¤ÀÔ´Ï´Ù.
(³¯Â¥, ½Ã°£Àº º¯°æµÉ ¼ö ÀÖÀ½)

ÁÖÁ¦; Cancer Epigenetics-Epigenetic Regulation of Gene Expression
(Tumor Microenvironment: Role in Tumor Growth & Metastasis and Investigative tools)
¿¬ÀÚ: Geroge Mcbride, MA

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